My Summer Reads

Don’t worry, there are no spoilers. Only opinions. These are my Summer reads:

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

My first summer read is The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Honestly, best book I’ve ever read in my life. This wasn’t only because the plot was absolutely amazing, but the writing was the best I have ever read. Maybe it’s because my brain hates long paragraphs (I know, I know, novice reader) but Taylor Jenkins makes everything so simple. She adds the details that need to be there and doesn’t add the ones that don’t. Her longest paragraph was probably only about 4 sentences. She breaks them up in so many paragraphs that it’s inevitable to even get bored of one. I read the book in two days. Everyone needs to read this book. EVERYONE.

The Alchemist

The alchemist is a must read sometime in your life. I read this book every time I’m feeling depressed or far away from my dreams. Maybe I should stop creating content and writing because I’m not good enough? Wrong. this book is truly an inspiration and makes me feel all the right ways. Where is your treasure? What is your treasure? How are you going to get your treasure? It doesn’t matter how long it takes as long as you get it. The treasure in the book really means your purpose in life. There will be challenges on the way but keep going no matter what.

The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler

The vagina Monologues makes me feel powerful as a woman. I love my vagina and I love who I am. I love the look of her, the scent of her, and the name of her. Vagina. Vagina. Vagina. Vagina. Sing it with me! Vagina! Vagina! Cringe all you want but you will feel the exact same way after reading the Vagina monologues.

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

Big Little Lies was a fantastic book. I’m more of a fantasy lover but this had me on my toes consistently. I think it was because every chapter started out with “One month before trivia night,” “Two weeks before trivia night,” “The Night before Trivia night” and so on. It had me wanting to know everything that led up to the grand finale. The ending was a perfect twist that, maybe some could see coming, but I most definitely did not. Also, Liane, is a phenomenal writer.

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste NG

Honestly, I get ‘Little Fires Everywhere’ and ‘Big Little Lies’ mixed up. Maybe it’s because the TV shows came out around the same time and Reese Witherspoon is in both of them, but I didn’t love this one as much. And I especially have no idea how they could make a whole TV show about this. Not enough happened and it was a book I could pick up every few days, read a couple pages then do something else. I wasn’t necessarily bored but it didn’t interest me as much.

It’s Not Your Money

It’s Not Your Money’ is in the same bracket as ‘The Secret’ and the ‘Four Agreements.’ I’ve always been a really giving person but I have a hard time receiving things from people.

You should never feel bad about giving a big tip, or if you accidentally lose $30 dollars on the ground – because guess what? It’s not your money. It’s The universes’. God’s. That server probably needed it to pay for her child’s dinner, or a kid who hasn’t been able to do laundry in months, or a crack head, but that’s for the universe to decide. I’m not sure if any of this makes sense but reading this book will open your mind.

There is a paragraph on page 16 of this book that I say every single day. It talks all about how ‘I am so open to receiving.” And man, has it been a life changer.

Credence by Penelope Douglas


My last summer read is Credence. Honestly, the only words I have for this book is ‘WHAT THE HECK.” I’m surprised Penelope could even write about this. Spicy books have always been my favorite, so my friend got me this book thinking I would really enjoy it. I cringed throughout the whole thing.

It’s basically about a girl who’s parents never liked her so they killed themselves and left her to go live with her stepdad. She then has sex with the step dad and all the step sons. Later on she has a kid with the oldest step son and then her nanny has sex with the stepdad. Is ‘what the heck’ (Or other awful words) what you’re thinking too?

I did finish the book because all craziness aside, Penelope is a great writer. She writes the details that need to be there and doesn’t miss a beat when explaining things. You’re never confused, which I really appreciate. I will never recommend this book though. I love a smutty book, but this book takes it way too far. Read it or don’t but you’ll be mortified. But also intrigued. Idk. Do whatever you want.

Let’s lighten the mood by reading about the Ladies in Red.

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