10 things To Do In Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis country flag

Don’t know where to start when looking up ‘things to do in Saint Kitts and Nevis’? I’ll tell you everything you need to know and the best places to be… maybe even a few island secrets. We stayed on these Caribbean islands for 8 days and, honestly, it’s my new favorite place. 8 days was just enough time to do everything my partner and I wanted to do.

  • RENT A CAR. This is not as expensive as you think: only about $300 for 8 days and we got to explore the entirety of both Islands. Make sure to do it with Hurtz. They’re awesome! Driving is on the LEFT side of the road, but you get used to it, I promise.
  • It’s super easy to take your car to Nevis, however, make sure to get there an hour before the ferry leaves. We found out the hard way, and missed the last one back to Saint Kitts. Being stranded on the beautiful island of Nevis wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but all of our things were on the other island, making this little detour a bit uncomfortable.
  • The ferry is also $50 USD one way so $100 USD round trip. Don’t believe anything you see on the website. The last ferry leaves at 5PM. NOT 6PM!!
  • When going to the beaches, lounge chairs are $5 USD per person so make sure you bring cash!
  • If you don’t want to go out for every meal, the grocery stores are called Rams.
  • If someone honks their horn at you, it’s NOT rude. Everyone honks their car horn just to say ‘hello’ and ‘good day.’
  • A Ting is a local soda. You have to try one!
  • This is a HOTSPOT for cruises. You’ll see cruise ships come in everyday to Saint Kitts.

The Romney Manor is a former plantation turned into gorgeous gardens. You absolutely have to take a picture by the stunning 400 year old tree named Sammy. She also gave us some rules for life, I mean anything that has been alive for 400 years must be a wise cookie! Walking throughout the forest and gardens was a nice way to introduce us to the island of Saint Kitts.

Romney Manor

In the tourist shop, they teach you how their fabrics are made and you can also buy local rum there too!

And the best part about this is that it’s 100% free!

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Bell Mont Farm felt like a secret. This is because it wasn’t on anything we saw when looking up ‘what to do in Saint Kitts and Nevis.” A tour guide passing through the Romney Manor told us about this hidden bar in the Belle Mont Hotel on Kittitian Hill. We didn’t know what to expect but man, was it worth it! It’s a resort but if you play your cards right, you’ll see the most gorgeous views on the island!

Heading up there is definitely a long journey, but it’s a really cool entrance with trees hung beautifully around the road, monkeys everywhere and sheep basically asking to hitch a ride with you.

Before you get to the bar, there will be a small building. Someone will come out of it and stop to ask you where you’re going. Just say, “Yeah, today’s our first day here and we want to go to the bar before settling in.” They’ll let you right in. There’s a sunken bar which is semi expensive, great service, lounge chairs and an infinity pool, which is completely free to hang around in. Just get a $6.00 mocktail and take cool pictures. Totally worth it.

The tour guide also told us about the: 

Saint Kitts and Nevis

The black rocks are literally just volcanic black rocks with crazy waves so it’s not the most exciting thing in the world, but if you have a car and want to see everything, might as well see them while you’re in town. The stop also has shops that sell locally made clothes and products. The sunrise is also to die for! It’s gorgeous and definitely the place for pictures.

100% Free!

Hiking up Mount Liamuiga Volcano was the biggest highlight of my trip and most definitely the best hike I’ve ever done. Although I’m 25 years old, this hike kicked my butt. It was three hours to the top and three hours down. 6 miles total.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Here are some tips you should know before hiking the volcano:

  • There is no still standing water so this forest has absolutely no mosquitos! No need to bring your bug spray!
  • No need to wear sunscreen. You’ll be covered with shade the entire hike.
  • Bring SO much water. At the beginning of the hike, the two guides will put out a a case of water. Bring a backpack and take at least 3 of them. I recommend bringing your own huge bottles too.
  • Make sure to wear hiking boots. Regular sneakers will not do the trick. You’ll get muddy and your shoes will get stuck on roots and rocks. The people wearing sneakers were miserable by the end of it.
  • Don’t be afraid to take lots of breaks. Since heart surgery last year, I was the slowest of the group. There’s one tour guide leading the group at the front (going very fast) and the other tour guide is there to stay with whoever needs to go slower. They are really awesome! The guides go on this hike up to 4 times a week!
  • The bathroom is natures palace. I have a bladder the size of a pea and squatted multiple times. Everyone is super patient, so don’t be afraid to drink lots of water and GO a lot of times.
  • They do not feed you lunch. At the halfway point, they’ll have a raison pastry and some juice for you but that’s it. Make sure you eat before heading there!

    This was $100 but worth the money. Here is the link if you’re up for the hike of your life!

The Brimstone Fortress is incredible. This national park world heritage sight has breathtaking views, amazing history and architecture that will blow your mind.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

This is $15 USD but is a must when visiting.

The Catamaran sailboat is definitely worth what you pay. It’s $100 for a full day of sailing, snorkeling (they provide the gear), all you can drink bar, lunch, and three hours on Nevis beaches. Nate loved it but I thought there were too many people on it. I’m glad I did this boat ride but next time I’d rather spend my money to rent my own.

They do not provide towels or sunscreen so make sure to bring your own!

Botanical Garden

This is $17 per person and I’m not sure it’s totally worth that. It’s very small and although everything is pretty, they had a lot of things under construction. Maybe we went at the wrong time. There are, however, two parrots who are just dashing. They’re at the end of the little walk and right when you walk in, you’ll hear them say, “Hello!” The Parrots might even ask you for a cracker but absolutely don’t give them crackers! They will just beg for more and call you an idiot when you stop.

This is Cockleshell Beach! Just stunning!

Here are my top rated beaches (from Favorite to Least favorite)in Saint Kitts and Nevis:

  1. Penny’s Beach, Nevis (popular nightlife)
  2. Cockleshell Beach, Saint Kitts (Great views of Nevis and beautiful sand. Fantastic place to take pictures.)
  3. Lovers Beach, Nevis (This is a nude beach so be sure to wear your birthday suit!)
  4. Turtle Beach, Saint Kitts
  5. Sand Bank Bay, Saint Kitts (This is on the Atlantic side and not swimmable but walking on the shore was a treat, the crashing waves were amazing to see)
  6. South Fray beach (super touristy, not as clean as the others, very popular though!)
  7. You can see other beaches to visit here.

Golden Rock Inn (Nevis)

Saint Kitts and Nevis 
Golden Rock Inn
Saint Kitts and Nevis 
Golden Rock Inn
Saint Kitts and Nevis 
Golden Rock Inn

If you have a car, the Golden Rock Inn is a MUST. My roommate has a lot of his photography hung there so I might be biased, but the Golden Rock Inn was one of the biggest highlights for me. It has the best lobster sandwich I’ve ever had!

After you’ve stuffed your face, you can walk around the forested area surrounding the restaurant but watch out! There are plants that have thorns as long as my pinky. They will poke you and break off into your skin. My roommate says he still has them in his foot from childhood. Wear good shoes is all I’ve got to say. It’s a little pricey but definitely worth it. 


Saint Kitts and Nevis

Shipwreck (Saint Kitts)

Saint Kitts and Nevis 
  • Everyone swears by this bar and grill. If you ask any local where to eat they will always point you in the direction of Shipwreck. Now, we didn’t have a lot of time but this was a MUST, so we stopped for a very quick lunch. It was beautiful but the food was just alright. Everyone else seems to love this place though so maybe we didn’t get the right thing.

Sunshines (Nevis)

If you go to Nevis, this place is the bar to be. It’s always hoppin’ with people and you HAVE to try the drink Killer Bee. It’s to die for. And what they’re famous for.

Lime (Nevis)

If you’re looking for a nice place for dinner or lunch on the beach Lime Bar and Grill is where to go! We had a beautiful dinner with some friends here and the service is outstanding. Try the nachos, I’ve never had better!

Vibes (Saint Kitts)

This is more of a tip. Don’t go to the bar named Vibes. It took us an hour and 15 minutes to get one chicken quesadilla. Locals told us it’s normal for this bar to take a long time to do anything. The quesadilla was really good though!

On the way to the very point of the island, you will see many pull offs for sight seeing. Since there is only one road there and back, you won’t miss any of them. Timothy Hill is really nice during the day. Great views and popup shops with touristy little gadgets. I’m a sucker for snowglobes and jewelry so it was a nice little gift to myself.

At another pull off location that I cannot for the life of me find on google maps, has a sunset you will never forget. Drive towards the point and you’ll see the pull off I promise(it’s the last one before you drive down the mountain). And I’ll fill you in on a little secret: there will be a hidden trail that leads to the edge of the hill. Go there with your hubby and have a romantic evening watching the sunset in the front row. The entrance is right past the road rail and into the weeds but it’s worth it.

  • Kayak
  • Sugar Train
  • ATV Tours
  • The Grand Tour of Saint Kitts. When you look up ‘what to do in saint kitts,’ this will come up. If you have a car, don’t bother. Do everything on your own time and ask the locals about it. If you don’t have a car, this is a great way to explore the island.

If you want to see more places to eat on the Island of Nevis, go follow foodforkash. Kash knows everything about every place to eat on Nevis! Plus, she’s an amazing person!

If you want to visit my personal Vlog, go to my instagram!

Want to know other places I’ve traveled? Click here… and we’re only getting started!

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